
Słowa: 69 [ I ]

/wersja pierwotna/
we have the battle
among wrong stupidities
we loose it all
something’s wrong
no longer can we live&roll&rock
tommorow is ours
we have to say goodbye
once again
tell me where do we go
where is the end?

you can dance in trance
and I can bless the sense
everyone of mine
is laughing at me
everyday of my misery
is on the way
the only place
that I have peace is hell

a tragedy of that life we seek
can be another one to bless

reckoning to the battles remind redamned...
Słowa: Enorth
/Wersja pierwotnie przeznaczona dla Deviathora, w jakiś czas później została całkowicie zmieniona. Właściwą wersję opublikuję przy okazji ukazania się płyty demo zatytułowanej "Lucyferion"/


Anonymous Anonimowy said...

Hey this blog is not about anorexia nervosa

I have been doing hours of research on "eating disorder" and it brought me to your blog on this post. Anyways, enorth I was reading your blog and I think it is really cool. It’s really a pleasure reading your posts! Keep up the great work.

Keep blogging away :-)

25 stycznia, 2006 16:01  
Anonymous Anonimowy said...

Hey this blog is not about bulimia nervosa

I have been doing hours of research on "eating disorder" and it brought me to your blog on this post. Anyways, enorth I was reading your blog and I think it is really cool. It’s really a pleasure reading your posts! Keep up the great work.

Keep blogging away :-)

25 stycznia, 2006 16:30  

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